Where was this product developed?
It was developed in Poland and has been successfully sold there for over ten years. The first was the Estrous Detector for cattle. After the success in that field, other versions were developed for mares, sows, ewes and dogs. The Ovulation Detector for dogs has been successfully sold to many European countries as well as in USA and Japan. This electronic detector has given favorable results in tests at the Obstetrics Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Agriculture and Technology, Olsztyn, Poland. The advantages of using the detector have also been confirmed by research carried out at the University in Giessen, Germany.
Is it difficult to use the detector?
The detector is very simple to use. If it is used according to the instructions manual it will give excellent results. Keeping the detector clean and disinfected is of the utmost importance. It should be disinfected BEFORE and AFTER each use. Any mucus left on the probe will give false results.
How should the readings be taken?
The readings should be done once a day when the estrous is approaching and twice a day when values start to increase. Readings should always be taken the same way, it is best if the probe reaches the cervix, then you meet resistance and can be sure that the probe is always inserted the same every time. Otherwise you can insert the probe and take readings in different parts of the vagina and receive random, incorrect results. We also advise to always take the readings the same time of the day, better in the morning. There are several factors which may affect the readings otherwise, but errors can be avoided by taking readings at the same time every day.
What should I do if the results differ from those in the Manual?
The readings do not need to be exactly the same as in the chart. Each dog may show slightly different readings. But it is important to find the moment of maximum peak and the subsequent fall. If reading values start decreasing ovulation is imminent. The best moment for insemination is when the readings fall close to the initial level.
Is there any way to check the instrument?
a) When you press the switch in open air “0 1″ should be displayed. b) Prepare water-saline solutions with different salt concentrations, immerse the probe in these solutions and check whether the instrument responds to the changes in the concentration of salt. After the probe has been taken out of the solution the result should be constantly showed in the display and should not disappear before 30 seconds (the switch must be held, of course). c) Check the instrument with 0,05 more KCL solution in 20°C. The instrument should display about 210-220 d). Make sure while checking the instrument that the electrodes (at the end of the probe) are clean and no “LO BAT” is displayed.
I receive very high results, is the detector working OK?
Dirt, or skin oil on the electrodes will result in readings too high, whereas urine on the electrodes or solutions containing salt will cause lower readings. Please clean the electrodes and check if the device is working well, by following instructions explained above.
How should I clean the device?
Before and after each measurement, the detector must be disinfected. Careful and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the instrument is one of the most important conditions for proper usage. We recommend wiping the probe with gauze, cotton linen or even tissue paper to clean it of mucus, feces, urine or hair, especially around the electrodes. Next, it is best to wash it under running water and finally immerse it in a disinfecting solution. Always use disinfectants at concentrations given by the manufacturer, as if not used properly they may cause irritation of the vaginal lining. Wiping the probe clean before use will prevent this from happening. Alcohol can be used.
What can I do if there is something wrong with my device?
Please check the device as described in the question: Is there any way to check the instrument? If it is not working as expected contact us.
How does it work, by measuring temperature?
It measures electrical resistance of the vaginal mucus located near the cervix.
How accurate is it?
It is very accurate and consistent when operated correctly.
Can it hurt my bitch?
Not unless you are very heavy handed and do not take obvious care. Compare the size of the probe (length and diameter) to the penis of the dog (even in toy breeds).
Usually this is because the angle of insertion is incorrect. Mimic the angle of entry of the stud dog as he enters from underneath at approximately 45 degrees and then ‘levels off’. Remember that the vaginal passage has a kink in its shape. (Thus you need to enter at approximately 45 degrees and then level off as well). Sometimes early on in the season, a few bitches may be somewhat dry. Moisten the probe with water, part the lips of the vulva and gently push the probe into the vulva. If the bitch constricts, hold the unit in place and do not push anymore until she relaxes, at which time you can resume gentle pressure, the probe will slip into the passage easily. Do not use a lubricant such as KY jelly or Vaseline as they will adversely affect the readings obtained!
How does one know when the probe is in the right place?
The probe should be inserted until a slight resistance is felt, which is when the probe just reaches the cervix. This is approximately 3/5ths of the probe’s length. (3 inches in the bitch and 2 inches out showing). At this position the probe tip is positioned within the area containing the maximum amount of mucus to thus obtain accurate and consistent readings. This position is adjusted slightly relative to the size of the bitch. Also some bitches are very dilated early in the cycle with little or no resistance being felt. However the 3/5ths positioning still applies.
How often do readings need to be taken?
As explained before it is best to take readings daily at the same time of the day. When the figures start to rise, it is wise to take 2, 3 or 4 readings a day to more accurately pinpoint the peak number and thereby determine the best time to breed.
When should I start taking the readings?
Take regular readings from the very first moment that you notice your bitch coming into season.
How long should the probe be left in for?
After the reading stabilize on the detector LCD (takes approximately 2 seconds) the probe may be taken out of the bitch.
All the readings are low (will not get above 150 or 200) why?
Usually it is because the probe is not inserted far enough into the bitch and does not reach the actual mucus which is what the unit is looking to measure. Also salt from the urine can depress the readings.
I get random high readings, why?
Usually it is because the probe is inserted too far. (the whole length of the probe is inserted up to the body of the instrument). Thus going past the cervix and producing random high readings.
How can I tell the false peak from the real peak?
The false peak can be just a small rise and fall or the rise can be quite significant. Regardless of the value though, it only occurs around day 3/4/5 of the season.
My bitch still has a red discharge, but the unit tells me to breed.
It is indicating what is really happening with your bitch as opposed to the external signs shown by the bitch.
What is the probe made of and can it snap?
The probe is made of a high quality special polyamide plastic which is very durable.
Do bitches mind the procedure?
All bitches are different, some accept the probe instantly without any problems the first time it is used, some are puzzled and some are uneasy, much in the same way as the reaction of a bitch to a stud dog when mating.
What should the maximum/peak reading be?
Some bitches peak reading may be 400, whereas others may be well in excess of 1000. The key point to remember is that you are looking for the profile as opposed to the actual value of the reading.
My bitch did not peak at 600, I kept waiting and missed her!
The Manual explains that the peak value may be higher or lower than the example shown of a 600 peak figure. (Look for the peak followed by the fall).
When is the best time to breed?
Manufacturers state that the optimum time to breed is 24 hours after the peak.
Can lubricant be used to insert the probe?
Lubricant will adversely affect the value of the readings obtained.
Should I take the battery out when not in use?
No, the battery is only removed and replaced when it is exhausted.
How can you rotate the probe while pressing the button?
You rotate the unit first and after a full rotation ~ THEN the button is pressed.
What happens to the readings once the bitch has ovulated?
The peak figure indicates when the luteinising hormone is released, triggering ovulation to occur. After which time the value of the readings decrease steadily in a relatively short time and finally reach an approximate plateau figure at which they remain.
Can a bitch go through a heat without ovulating?
Yes, bitches can display ‘standard expected behavioral signs’ but not have what could be considered a ‘normal’ ovulatory season.
How will I know when the peak is reached?
By taking readings regularly. When the values increase 2, 3 or 4 times a day a maximum peak figure is obtained.
Do different diets cause different readings?
We are currently researching this issue and believe that diet does affect the readings. However, once again it is not the actual value of the readings what is important but the profile that is obtained, to determine the peak figure.
Why do I get a different reading when I push the button again without moving the probe?
Because the electrical potential of the mucus initially tested has been discharged.
How will I know when the battery is low?
The LCD screen on the unit will show the message: LO BAT.
Do I need an assistant to help me take readings?
No, but just as with breeding an assistant is helpful in reassuring and steadying the bitch.
How long does the unit last?
With proper maintenance, it can last a lifetime.
How to clean the instrument?
Disinfect the detector before and after each measurement. Careful and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the instrument are the most important conditions for its proper usage. Always use disinfectants at concentrations given by the manufacturer, as otherwise they may cause irritation of the vaginal lining. Clean the instrument before each use to prevent this. The solution of the disinfecting agent should be prepared directly before the next use of the detector. The best disinfectant agent is Hibiscrub, Dettox or Savlon solutions, or any other agent indicated for veterinary use. Wipe the surface of the probe with the solution, then rinse thoroughly with water, dry and put into a box.
Can the instrument be used when the bitch has problems?
Well, the problems will remain. Obviously this instrument will not solve the reproduction problems of a bitch. It will not change an infertile bitch into a fertile one. However, it is another instrument to facilitate managing reproduction programs. This instrument can be used at home. It will reduce the number of visits at the vet’s as well as the number of more expensive and invasive tests. It will help to determine false heat because in such a case a value of the reading will not increase. Also in the case of quiet heat the peak of climax can be determined precisely.
Can the probe be used after mating?
Yes, it can; it should not have any adverse effects.
How will I know that the probe is in an adequate place?
The probe should be inserted until light resistance is felt when the probe reaches the cervix. It constitutes approx. 3/5 of the probe length (namely 3 inches inside and 2 inches outside). In this place the tip of the probe is in the area containing the highest concentration of mucus what allows to achieve a precise and reliable reading. This position changes slightly depending on the size of a bitch. Moreover, in some bitches the cervix is very widened in the initial phase of a cycle and while inserting the probe no or slight resistance is felt. However, the rule 3/5 of length is still valid.
I receive a different reading after the probe has been inserted and when I press the button once again without moving the probe.
The possible reason is a difference in temperatures. Temperature affects the results. If the probe is kept in the vagina longer, it warms up and as a result subsequent results are different. Therefore, it is so important to perform measurements always in the same manner. The results read after a few seconds are more reliable, because the temperature of the instrument is similar to the temperature of the bitch body. The same method should be continued during all subsequent measurements.
I get random high readings. Why?
It usually happens when the probe is inserted too deep into the vagina (namely, the whole probe is inserted, up to the instrument housing). In this way it passes through the cervix resulting in random high readings.
All readings show low values (they do not exceed 150 or 200) – why?
It usually happens when the probe is inserted too shallow into the vagina (namely into the vulva) and there is no contact between the probe and the mucus which is the object of measurements. Moreover, the presence of salts in the urine may decrease the readings.
Why is there a difference between morning and evening measurements?
There is no “best time” to perform measurements. However, we have noticed that there might be differences between morning and evening measurements in some bitches. We recommend to prepare charts for morning and evening readings. Although morning and evening measurements might be different, the profile of changes is the same. The peak value will appear at the same time.
How often should measurements be performed?
It is the best to perform them at the same time every day, if it is possible. As the procedure is so easy and fast, when readings start to increase it is recommended to perform 2, 3 or 4 measurements a day in order to determine the peak value very precisely, namely to determine the best time for mating.
Can I perform the procedure alone?
Yes, and the method is the same as while mating. However, another person is very helpful as they can hold a bitch during a measurement what should facilitate performing of the procedure.
Will my bitch suffer from pain?
No, unless you are very heavy handed and if you take obvious care and attention ~ the size of the probe (length & diameter) is similar to the penis of the dog (even in toy breeds). Each bitch is different and some of them accept the probe immediately at the first use, some of them seem surprised and others – worried, it is a similar reaction when a bitch reacts to a stud dog while mating.
How does the instrument work? Is its action connected with the temperature measurement?
No, the instrument measures the electrical resistance of vaginal mucus in the area of the cervix.
How does the pregnancy tester works?
Tester detects the presence of amniotic fluid inside the uterus. Amniotic fluid indicates pregnancy.
How soon the pregnancy can bee cpnfirmed ?
The foetus presence can be confirmed even on 21st day after mating / insemination. The optimal time window is 25-28th day.
How to perform the exam ?
Place the probe to the right groin, direct it 40-45° head direction. Be aware of the urine bladder located towards the tail, giving identical signal as the amniotic fluid surrounding foetus.
How to interpret the reading ?
The light and sound signal pulsating slowly (1/s) indicates proper probe contact with the skin. The light together with sound singal pulsating faster (up to 5/s) indicates pregnancy.
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